The skeyes club is proud sponsor of some Football activies
When? on Tuesday noon, 12.00 to 13.00 pm (an ics file for outlook and google calendar is available on demand)
Where? Sporthal Hertblock, 1820 Steenokkerzeel
Formula? Free to play, with subscriptions on the doodle/framadate
Price? 30 EUR per year (September to June)
A first test session is free of charge
Material? Football outfits (or skeyes club polo and short),
Shoes with “white sole” are highly recommended,
Balloons, fluo jackets (to compose team) are provided.
Facilities? Showers are available in the Sporthal,
A skeyes car is available (starting on CANAC parking at 11:50 and then front of H building),
Contact? Alban Quesnel, Arnaud Bernard (or Rutger Van den Abeele)
Welcome to all of your and see you soon
A group of Air Traffic Controllers is participating to a league called Liefhebbers Zaaalvoetbal Cup.
If you need any information, fell free to contact Joeri Lissens (LIJ)
Info about the team and results: Click here
Every year, skeyes is participating to the European Controllers Cup that each year take place in a different country.
Madrid in 2017, Lisbon in 2018.
Follow our website for more information!
Pictures of previous editions are available in the Pictures Galleries!
Summer Soccer is launched on skeyes site, more informations in reglement documents (FR/NL) and first post.