Announcing Registration for the Brussels Airport Marathon & Semi-Marathon The skeyes club is excited to announce that registrations are now open for the Brussels Airport Marathon and Semi-Marathon, taking place on November 2nd, in the heart of Brussels city center. As part of this event, Brussels Airport is proud to sponsor 800 airport colleagues to […]
Category: skeyes club
skeyes club sponsoring Antwerp 10 miles 27 april 2025
Hey sporty colleagues, The skeyes club would like to know if any skeyes colleagues are registered for the Antwerp 10 Miles taking place on April 27, 2025. event is sold out, but if you are already registered, please let us know through this document. If 5 colleagues are registered, you will benefit from sponsorship […]
skeyes at the Brussels Airport (Half) Marathon
On november 3rd, over 10.000 runners gathered early in the morning at Brussels city center for the Brussels airport (half)marathon. As member of the airport community, skeyes runners were sponsored by BAC, and they had access to the airport VIP lounge with all facilities. A record of 26 employees were participating; #4 marathon, #17 half marathon, […]
One of your colleagues in Paris 2024 Olympics!
As you probably all know, the Paris Olympic Games will open on July 26.What you may not know is that one of your colleagues will be taking part!ACC air traffic controller Maarten Boon has the immense privilege of being selected as a reservist for the Equestrian Eventing Olympic contest. We may therefore have the chance […]
Sportsday 2024: Save the date! 26/09/2024
We are pleased to announce that the next edition of the skeyes Sports Day will be organized by the skeyes club on Thursday September 26 2024 at the Steenokkerzeel site. Save the date in your diary! More information to follow.
Congratulations to our skeyes sports teams on their fine performances!
skeyes has always encouraged team building through sports activities to strengthen cooperation between colleagues, both through the skeyes club and by sponsoring special events. Recently, skeyes sports team members organised and/or participated in two major sporting events: the European Controllers Cup (ECC) 2024 and the annual ‘Hockey Corporate’ tournament. We are proud to present their […]
Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon
The Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon will take place this year on Sunday 3 November 2024. It’s the not-to-be-missed annual event for all running enthusiasts in the airport community! 42, 21 or 7 km? Choose your preferred distance, be quick and contact the skeyes club to announce your participation, via email: or […]
Teambuilding FDS-FIC-CAMO 2nd Edition!
One year after the exceptional Teambuilding activity at Curling, the FDS-FIC-CAMO team decided to organize a new series of activities to strengthen team bonds.The evening took place at Burney’s in Mechelen.Colleagues had the opportunity to go karting or bowling, but also to help each other out in an escape game. All this was accompanied by […]
FR: Les nouveaux équipements sportifs du skeyes club sont en vente Intro : Soutenez le skeyes club en achetant les équipements sportifs de la marque Bioracer à l’effigie de skeyes et du skeyes club. Le skeyes club met en vente des équipements de sport de haute qualité de la marque Bioracer (+photos) jusqu’au 17 novembre 2023 inclus. […]
Skeyes Sports Day 2023 : Pictures
Dear sports colleagues, The skeyes club would like to thank you sincerely for your participation in the last skeyes club Sports Day 2023. This edition was a great success thanks to your enthusiasm, motivation, team spirit, smiles 🙂 The rain didn’t kill us, it made us stronger than ever! : -) Here you can find […]