Hello !
My name is Rutger Van Den Abeele from DGS Voice/Communications and I love running, especially obstacle running.
On 29 September I will participate to the Ultra Viking run in Germany.
It consists of a run of 60km, 3300 height-meters and more than 135 obstacles within a time limit of 10 hours.
It is one of the hardest runs I do for charity, to support the Belgian ‘Kinderkankerfonds’ , a fund that helps kids who have cancer.
The Belgocontrol Sport Committee sponsors my participation.
Do you want to help too ? It is very simple: you can either sponsor each km or just make a donation.
You will find all info on my facebook page “vikings voor kinderkankerfonds” and instagram “vikings4kkf“
Thanks a lot in advance !
Rutger Van den Abeele
Tervuursesteenweg 303, B-1820 Steenokkerzeel, Belgium
T: 9102
@: VRU@belgocontrol.be
Mooi initiatief Rutger!
BSC zal u zeker sponsoren.
Veel success,